Everything DiSC and DiSC Classic Personality Test Blog by Center for Internal Change, Inc.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Myers-Briggs vs DiSC - What are the differences?

Myers-Briggs or DiSC? Which assessment do you choose when you are conducting a soft-skills training program? 

The Myers-Briggs (MBTI) and DiSC are the two most popular assessment based programs.

Assessment based training programs provide an immense amount of value. They can cut through conversations that could otherwise become judgmental? 

Don't believe me?

Try talking to someone and telling them you see they value tasks over people. I'm sure they will become defensive. However, if you ask them if they have a D Style on the DiSC graph, you will be able to talk about the same observation without making them feel judged.

For this reason, many corporate trainers, coaches, and facilitators use assessment based programs. It can help build self-awareness, communication, and bridge divides on teams.

But which assessment training program do you use?

Often, many trainers choose to use the program they are familiar with. If you took Myers-Briggs in college, used it during a Masters program, and then were offered it at your job, there is a very good chance you will continue using it in your own training.

Often, we have heard that organizations that have switch from Myers-Briggs to DiSC switch because Everything DiSC is easier to understand and use. Myers-Briggs measure a 16 unique behavioral styles. It's true that Myers-Briggs measures more than DiSC. However, don't believe that DiSC offers any fewer insights than Myers-Briggs.

Both tools provide insights into extroversion / introversion, thinking / feeling and DiSC uniquely offers insights into the Dominance / Submissive traits. Myers-Briggs doesn't offer this scale. Often, this is a scale that people identify as the largest characteristic of a person's personality.

Want to learn more about Myers Briggs and DiSC? Click to learn more.

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